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Small Business Advising

helping you turn and start your idea into a thriving business

Cot technical and operational guidance with planning, operating, and management of your business. We help small businesses and organizations improve their performance and officiency by analyzing business activities and creating solutions while also helping you moot your goals.

Business Name & Domain find a unique name and rogistor with your stato. Domains aro otton incxpansive, so buy as many as you nood to ensure that potential customers find you online.

Business Location: choose whore your business will be located as well as the style of operation an outlet office or a home office. In addition to your online presence, think about issues like foot traffic. parking, ordinancos, utilitios, crime, convenionco, and nearby competition.

Business structure: Docido what kind of structure is best for your business, such as a sole proprietorship. partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. This is an important step as it can impact taxes, personal liability, your ability to get funding and more.

Formalizo Your Business:

  • Registor your business
  • Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EN)
  • Get federal and state tax IDs
  • Apply for a business liconso and permits
  • Open a business bank account
  • Purchase insurance policies

Our Small Business Guide

If you consult with Amaka, we will help your

  1. Plan Your Business
  2. Launch Your Business
  3. Guide You through Best Practice Business Management
  4. Grow Your Business

We also help you through Business Corporation Tax Forms Forms are different based on types and other

classifications of the business. See the IRS list of forms and soo which categories your business falls into or give us a call at 347443.9636 for advisory services.

Join Our Three-day Enterpreneur Online Program For Start-ups

Cll 347-433-9636 to get started